Monday, November 25, 2019

Milkstone essays

Milkstone essays Milkstone tolerating every difference People sometimes forget how important nature is and how it can change each individuals life. Artist Wolfgang Laib immerses himself in the emanations of his environment and surrenders to its natural condition. I had a chance to go see his exhibition at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Korea during the summer of 2003, and throughout the exhibition, I learned the laws of nature. Laibs work is not in the form that people usually thins of as art. His works are piles of pollen, or stacks of beeswax, or some rice in a bowl I was very confused when I first saw his art, and did not know how to interpret it. However, as I looked at more and more of his works, I figured all of them are saying a same thing in simple but various ways unification and what it brings to us. Among his works, Milkstone, a combination of unlikely materials milk and marble showed how well two extremely different things can become one. Wolfgang Laib is a German artist, who once was a medical student. Since he was a child, he often traveled various places in India, the near and the far East. Indeed, he learned their ways of thinking and living; he was influenced by diverse eastern religions and philosophies such as Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism and Sufism and by the lives and thoughts of St. Francesco (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea). Later, as he studied the scientific view and knowledge of life and death, he realized the limitation of natural science of the west, which is based on materialistic and logical thinking. Laib abandoned his career as a medical doctor and declared himself an artist (Weintraub 41). As an artist, he intended to achieve a world of transcendental spirit, which he finds in the organic world view of the East according to which human beings should harmoniously obey the law of nature the phenome...

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