Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Censorship Helpful Or Hindering Essay - 821 Words

What exactly is censorship? Some feel censorship is a violation of their rights. Others say censorship is a must in the violent, abusive world we call â€Å"society.† Who has the right to censor? Who doesn’t? What needs to be censored, and what doesn’t? The fact of the matter is that there are many pros and cons in the music and entertainment industry about censorship. Personally, I believe that the consumers and viewers should be charged with the ultimate responsibility of censorship. One major area in which there is much argument on censorship is that of television. Since its invention earlier this century, television has become the most popular format for entertainment. We can be entertained, informed, and inspired by programs on†¦show more content†¦Will the v-chip automatic censor block out programs such as these out? Some say that another good reason to censor certain television shows is the theme of the show or movie, such as those which teach bad morals and principles. But for families that watch television together and discuss the good, the bad and the ugly, there is no need for anything like a v-chip. The lines of communication are open, and the children are taught what is acceptable and what is not. By relying on a transistor to do their parenting for them, many parents will fall even more out of touch with their children, who will spend more time trying to get around technology to watch shows they are not supposed to watch. Those are just a few minor points about censorship on television, but many of the same points can be made about the censorship in music. In the past, the musician’s right to control his work was not in question. This has begun to change in recent years, however, as the lyrics to popular music have become more explicit. Is a rap group portraying real life in the ghetto, or a heavy-metal band singing about suicide, protected as a singer’s â€Å"artistic expression†? Or do these songs really influence society, becoming a cause of violence and hate instead of merely an expression of them? Is government censorship of offensive and violent lyrics a way to improve society, or simply a way to control who can listen to them, and who cannot? Yes, that the artists need toShow MoreRelated Feminists vs. Playboy Playmates Essay2641 Words   |  11 Pagesthat has become a national icon. James Beggan says that Playboy has had a definite influence on society in the last quarter century (Beggan, 342). Is having a magazine that has pictures of naked females becoming an influential piece of our culture helpful? Feminists around the world would shout in unison NO. The feminist critique of Playboy centers on it being degrading and exploitative towards women. They would say this happens in several ways. I interviewed one person on each sideRead MoreDubais Political and Economic Development: Essay38738 Words   |  155 Pagesbased on the Gulfs empirical data. Althoub many analysts have predicted failure for nearly all of Dubais development projects, from the states airport to the Palm Islands, on each occasion so far, skeptics have been proven wrong.71 Instead of hindering development, these projects have contributed significantly to Dubais steady growth and stability. Nevertheless, critics have had good reason to be pessimistic about Dubais development prospects, given the regions track record. While many governmentsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesWriting reports, giving class presentations, interviewing managers, and conducting group meetings are all prerequisites for building skills in the co re management skill areas, so we have provided material on these three topics that students will find helpful. 18 INTRODUCTION Figure 3 A Model of Essential Management Skills Developing selfawareness Managing conflict Motivating employees l ona ers rp te In Perso nal Managing stress Solving problems creatively ESSENTIAL MANAGEMENTRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesbeing a constant source of creative thinking in the management accounting field. Michael has also contributed in a number of different institutional arenas: the academic, of course, but also those of the profession and the wider public sphere. Ever helpful to regulators, the senior civil service, and international agencies, Michael Bromwich is respected for the ways in which he can combine conceptual understandings with pragmatic insights. He has been sought out to provide that extra element of conceptual

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